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Jack in the Box Restaurants

An open, honest and hardworking group of Jack in the Box Operators, Owners & Partners working together to improve our businesses, operations, and the Jack in the Box Brand.



I am part of the group known as the 2nd Gens and I have been a franchisee for 10 years. I am proud to be elected president of JOA. Acting in this role I would like to bring a sense of unity to system, as we are stronger united than divided. Therefore, we started the Jack in the Box operator’s association (JOA) with the intention of helping support franchisees in all markets, as well as working with our corporate partners. For our first meeting, we want to share with our attendees what the JOA is about, to be able to host an open forum to discuss issues and share best practices. Furthermore, with the smaller audience we believe our Guest Speakers will be more engaged with our audience, which will hopefully lead to more thorough discussions for the group. Attendees will also have a better chance of interacting with the vendors that are here to support our new association. Our belief is, communication with JIB has changed forever. Our goal is, when Jack is ready to interact with us (as an association), we can provide positive and constructive feedback to make the Brand stronger and our restaurants more profitable. With that said we want to ensure you that any issues brought up, we will do our best to bring it to the attention of Jack in the Box Corporate to help identify solutions. 


Thank you , 

Bizhan Nematzadeh

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